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SANI ProZyme Enzymatic Detergent is a blend of enzymes and detergent designed to remove organic and inorganic soils such as blood, tissue, and protein-rich fluids from flexible and rigid fiber optic scopes and delicate surgical instruments. SANI ProZyme contains a proteolytic enzyme for effective cleaning of protein rich soils and is formulated to inhibit the growth of bacteria. SANI ProZyme Enzymatic Detergent is specially formulated for use as a presoak or manual detergent and for use in ultrasonic washers, automatic washers and evacuators. The enzyme breaks down (actually digests) the organic soils, and the detergent removes them, holding them in suspension and avoiding redepositing on the cleaned surfaces. SANI ProZyme Enzymatic Detergent is highly concentrated, low foaming, phosphate and borax-free and has rust inhibiting properties. Ideal for both manual and automated application.